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Business Builder Leadership Course: Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making (3h)

As a leadership skill, strategic thinking enhances your ability to adjust your perspective lens to see the big picture and/or another perspective. Adeptly using this skill helps to better connect you and your role with others in different contexts and improves your effectiveness in problem solving and decision making, producing value-added contributions in small group and team interactions.

During this session you will learn the building blocks for employing strategic thinking at Cubic and how to integrate and synergistically leverage them.

Some of the topics covered in this session are:

  • Defining the strategic thinking process
  • Identifying the critical success factors of strategic thinking and the problem solving process
  • Explaining how to communicate (translate) an organizational strategy and decision to an operation
  • Structuring a problem solving strategy to deploy and manage a strategic outcome

Course Information

Course:Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
Instructor:Lynne Hambleton
Audience:Business Builder Leadership Course
Duration:3 hours
Date:Thursday, November 11, 2021
Time:8-11 a.m. EST
5-8 a.m. PST
12 midnight - 3 a.m. AEDT Friday, November 12, 2021
1-4 p.m. GMT
2-5 p.m. CET
6:30-9:30 p.m. IST

Participant Materials

Click the link(s) below to obtain your materials for class. Please bring hard copy materials to class so you can take notes and capture your exercise findings and key takeaways.

Instructor Biography

Lynne Hambleton

Senior Instructor and Consultant